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General Membership Meeting, Mar 26, 2021



Join the Club’s Regular General Meeting starting at 7:00 pm, via Zoom Meeting.  The Zoom link is:    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83906871573?pwd=V3l1UkZmSGZObGI5YkhLbGFYRzRUZz09   

Forum Topic – “ARRL VA Section Convention for 2021”  Don, KM4UDX, and his leadership team will discuss the upcoming ARRL Virginia Section Convention for 2021, hosted by VWS.  The convention will happen “virtually” via Zoom, on Saturday April 24th from 9:00 am to 2:00 p.m.  The team will review the three-track conference schedule, prizes, ongoing ICOM radio raffle, participating vendors, advertising plans, and opportunities for club members to assist in getting the word out on this groundbreaking event.  Time: 7:00-7:30 pm

Main Program -- “Virtual Tour of W1AW” Joe, NJ1Q and W1AW Station Manager will present a virtual tour of the W1AW station at ARRL HQ.  Joe will discuss and show operating positions, equipment used for ARRL bulletins and code practice, history of the station, Hiram Percy Maxim’s spark gap transmitter, antennas, and other items of interest.  Through Zoom you will actually tour the station just like hams do every day.  Joe will answer questions as time permits.  If you have always wanted to visit W1AW and have never had the opportunity, please take advantage of this great virtual tour. Time:  7:30-9:00 pm  


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