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NO August Meeting!

QCWA Ch 91 members & Friends of Ch 91:  We’ll not have a monthly meeting on the 3rd Saturday in August – instead operate the NAQP-SSB event on Sat, Aug 19th, starting at 2pm, and have fun!  We will meet in person next on Saturday, Sept 15th.  It will be our annual fall picnic. Pse mark your calendar to join us in September.  Also, if the spirit moves you, consider joining our on-air net every Sunday morning at 9am on the NVFMA Fairfax 2m repeater – 146.790 MHz, PL tone 77.0 Hz


WA8AHZ in Monthly Mtg

May 20th Meeting

Topic:  Next generation recruitment of Ham trends and insights.  Join Alexandria Amateur Radio Club’s Joe Izaquirre, KO4QQX as he discusses his Club’s efforts finding the 21st century solution for recruiting new Hams to join their Club.  The meeting will be held at Glory Days in Fairfax at 1130, on Saturday, May 20th.  Glory Days is in the Pan Am shopping center at 3059 Nutley St, Fairfax, VA 22031  


WA8AHZ in Monthly Mtg

No March meeting!

QCWA, Chapter 91 & Friends of Ch 91:  We’ll have no Chapter meeting in March, instead enjoy the Virginia  QSO Party (Mar 18-19), or the VWS WINTERFEST (Mar 19).  Also, the Virginia activation of W1AW/4 on Mar 15-21st and there is still room to sign up to operate an hour or two.  See:  http://bit.ly/3iYqWCS  In April, we’ll have John, K4XC join us and he’ll talk about early history of radio operations in Hawaii.  The meeting will be at Glory Days (Fairfax) on Apr 15th.  Mike,


WA8AHZ in Monthly Mtg

November & December meetings and events

Please mark your calendar to join us, via Zoom on Saturday, Nov 20th @ 1130.  Our program will discuss a number of mystery radio stations (and not so mystery stations)  that populate the HF bands, sometimes right in the middle of the US Amateur Radio bands.  The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/968580533?pwd=QUJPWHh2ZWpOcW9TNVdyUjdFMWw2QT09 Would also like to point out that QCWA, in cooperation with (ARRL, Radio Club of America (RCA), Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), and the An


WA8AHZ in Monthly Mtg

NO March Meeting

Instead of our meeting on March 20th, we invite all  Ch 91 members to work the QCWA and VA QSO Parties.   Likewise in April, we're going to join the VWS as they host the ARRL VA Section Convention on Apr 24th.  


WA8AHZ in Monthly Mtg

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